100% Amiga Max "The best game ever made for the Amiga!" 100% Totally Amiga "The graphics are phenomenal, I was blown away by the gameplay!" 94% Gamers Paradise "A vast and mind breaking puzzle game you can't affort to miss!" 92% Amiga OnLine "Awfully playable and involving, an old style title of sure success!" 92% AI Online "The graphics are very detailed, a top notch game that is well worth buying!" 91% FunTime "Final Odyssey has wonderfull gameplay and very good graphics!" 91% Vizuality "Great graphics and sound, a complete gaming experience!" 90% Amiga Flame "combination of puzzles and action keeps the game constantly flowing." 88% Amiga Format "A splendid game that's well worth buying, get in and it's hard to stop!" 87% C.U. Amiga "Impressive stuff, reminiscent of old Bitmap Brothers fare!" 87% Amiga Aktuell "very good action-adventure with excellent puzzle and action-elements!" 86% Amiga Advis "Final Odyssey is a break-through for The MegaSeries!" 85% Amiga Magazyn "Waiting for Quote!" 80% A.Rea. 21 "When it comes to graphics and sound, this game is absolutely brilliant!"